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An information session and a Pride Quiz took place during Spelletjesdag


The recent Spelletjesdag (Game Day) for Russian-speaking LGBTQ+ individuals was held on June 24 from 13:00 to 18:00. This time, there was an informative session and discussion on the fundamental principles and ideologies of Western and Dutch political parties. The main focus of the discussion was on the various parties’ stances regarding LGBT+ issues. While attending the information session was optional, more than 20 people participated. The information session started at 14:00 and finished at 16:30, which was an hour later than planned. The delay was due to the high number of participants and the significant interest in the topic, leading to a lively discussion.

The session began with the participants introducing themselves. This was followed by an overview of the primary political divisions in the West, including the Netherlands, and then a discussion on the general positions of major Western parties regarding LGBT+ issues. After a 30-minute break, Hrayr Manukyan, the discussion coordinator, presented radical political groups and ideologies in the West. Hrayr Manukyan is a PhD student at Utrecht University, and he holds master’s degrees in Political Science and Philosophy from the University of Amsterdam.

After the information session, a special game called the Pride Quiz was organized. Five groups competed by answering questions related to the history and struggles of the LGBT+ community worldwide.

The winners were awarded a prize. The game proved to be highly popular, so it will be included in the upcoming Spelletjesdag meetings as well.

We are very happy that the Haëlla Foundation financed this Spelletjesdag. Thanks to their support, we could buy train tickets for 25 participants and provide lunch.

We are looking forward to arranging the next Spelletjesdag in Amsterdam!

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