The sixth Spelletjesdag of this year, organized by LGBT World Beside, took place in Amsterdam on September 17th. A record number, 70-75 people, participated in a 5-hour-long event, and about 40 people attended an informative session.
This session focused on the Dutch educational system and educational opportunities for refugees and was coordinated by three representatives from UAF: Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten. Specifically, Anne Broekman and Matthieu Huijser gave presentations, with Yana Polyanska translating their talks into Russian. Participants showed high levels of interest and engagement, asking numerous questions. The information session lasted approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Following the information session, a quiz game was organized, with 7 groups comprising 4-7 people each participating. This marked the second time this game was held, and it proved to be the most popular activity of the event.
We, the organizers and volunteers of Spelletjesdag, are immensely grateful to the Haëlla Foundation for financing this event. Thanks to their support, we were able to purchase train tickets for 30 participants and provide lunch.
We also extend our appreciation to Ben & Jerry’s for generously supplying us with their delicious ice cream free of charge.