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Report on the conditions of the Russian-speaking LGBTQI+ refugees seeking asylum

The research team of LGBT World Beside has prepared a research on the state and conditions of the Russian+speaking LGBTQI+ refugees seeking asylum in the Netherlands.

Key findings:

·       Multiple Layers of Discrimination: Russian-speaking LGBTQI+ refugees experience significant discrimination in areas such as healthcare, housing, and social integration. Homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia present constant threats.

·       Mental Health Impact: Identified issues severely impact the mental health of refugees, leading to social isolation, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and suicide risk.

·       Urgent and Coordinated Action Needed: The government of the Netherlands, civil society organizations, and international institutions must take immediate steps to address these issues and create safe, supportive conditions for Russian-speaking LGBTQI+ refugees. 

Detailed results of the research are presented in the reports below.



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