LGBT World Beside organized the 3rd and 4th Spelletjesdag events on April 1 and May 13. About 50 asylum seekers and refugees from various post-Soviet countries participated in each of the two events. They played board games such as Mafia or Weerwolven and Uno.
In addition, Spelletjesdag held a coronation ceremony on May 13 for the LGBTQ+ Queen and Prince of the Netherlands, who were elected in late April. The royals pronounced their oaths of allegiance to the community and to their work for its good, after which they received the symbols of royalty – magnificent crowns. Participants very warmly welcomed the new monarchs.
Thanks to small donations, 18 people received train tickets on May 13. We are happy that the Haella Foundation has decided to sponsor our next two Spelletjesdag events. Thanks to that, we will be able to buy train tickets for about 25 participants each time.