Video in support of the petition.
Homophobic video about elections in Russia (ENG subtitles).
Brighton Beach Pride 2020 (online).
23 мая 2020 года. Встреча с ЛГБТ-беженцами в AZCs.
Bringing COC COVID-19 care packages to refugees.
COVID-19 Care Package
May 17.
May 15.
The Netherlands is again out of the top 10 LGBTI rights.
Levada Center: one fifth of Russians believe that homosexuals “should be eliminated”.
March 21.
A report by the US State Department on human rights has been published. Russia violates LGBT rights.
Marvel’s new film called to boycott because of two gay kiss scene.
Human Rights Watch criticized amendments to the Constitution of Russia.
Berlinale 2020: Welcome to Chechnya. complains about blocking to the European Court of Human Rights.
Moscow jury acquits suspect of murdering gay man coming home from nightclub.
In Grozny attacked the columnist for the Novaya Gazeta Elena Milashina.
January 27
Sundance 2020: How VFX Pulled ‘Welcome to Chechnya’ Out of the Shadows — Exclusive.