In Chechnya, they called provocation an exit to the Russian rental of a biographical film about singer Elton John “Rocketman”, from which outright homosexual scenes were cut out. The republic is asked to put an end to provocations that occur in the cinema.
“Though I am not authorized to comment on the activities of film distribution in Russia about films with“ frank scenes, ”especially homosexual (considering the orientation of the singer), the reaction in the Chechen Republic will definitely be extremely negative. We, for various reasons – religious, mental, and so on – are not acceptable for licentiousness, debauchery, and other manifestations of lack of spirituality and degeneracy. And in general, it’s time to put an end to all these provocations in our film industry. It’s a shame, it’s impossible to go to the cinema with children! ”Said the Chechen Minister for National Policy, External Relations, Press and Information Dzhambulat Umarov to the URA.RU correspondent.
The plot of the film reveals the details of the life of Elton John. The motion picture will be released on big screens in Russia on June 6th. The main role in it is played by the Welsh actor Theron Edgerton. In the Russian film from the movie removed several scenes of a sexual nature and moments where the show drugs. This information was confirmed by the distributor – Central Partnership. He edited the film to meet the requirements of Russian legislation. The Ministry of Culture said they did not apply to distributors with this request.
Elton John himself does not agree with this decision.