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Gay Pride in Amsterdam 2021

Gay Pride in Amsterdam, better known as Amsterdam Gay Pride or Pink Saturday, is a bright, colorful, enchanting and large-scale celebration, in which representatives of the LGBT community from all over the Netherlands participate. During this event, anyone can safely declare their gay orientation without fear of being misunderstood or ridiculed.

The parade was first organized in 1996, after the country allowed the registration of same-sex relationships, which became an international event. Since then, it has been held every year and has already become a local tradition. The holiday lasts two days, the city is transforming, decorated with posters, lights, ribbons and garlands, cheerful music sounds everywhere and colorful balloons are flying. The event will be opened by the Mayor of Amsterdam.

The first day of the holiday is devoted to preparing for the main celebration. In addition to decorating city streets, people make improvised boats on which performances will unfold, finish work on costumes and a concert program. The main events take place the next day.

Closer to 14:00, thousands of people, including not only locals, but also visitors from other countries, come out onto the embankments of river canals. It was at this time, accompanied by loud music and applause, that platform barges, driven by gay captains, began to move. In total, 80 boats take part in the festival, moving from the Verstdok embankment along the Prinsengracht and ending on the Amstel river. On each boat there are several dozen people dressed in extravagant outfits. The groups are led by gay men in the guise of military, police and a wide variety of characters.

At the end of the symbolic “swimming”, the participants in the performances and spectators go to the continuation of the festival, which takes place in the city’s entertainment establishments – bars, restaurants, cafes and nightclubs. Costume shows, shocking improvisations, discos and parties, accompanied by fun, dances and songs, are arranged. The holiday ends only by the morning of the next day.

The festival goes without disturbances or accidents. This holiday is considered not only an important world event, but also a famous Amsterdam landmark. And thanks to the opportunity for sexual minorities to openly express themselves, the city has long gained fame as a kind of gay capital of the planet.

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