Hello everyone. This is my new song about how we want to be perfect, but it’s not good way. Be blessed and love yourself. All rights reserved. Song for @madonna @guyoseary _ Chorus: what is the ideal How to feel it? what is the ideal how to feel it?
loneliness is my name but what is my surname? happiness is my wishes but what is my wishes
Vers: I’ll be forever forever and ever I’ll be forever nothing or ever
would be i perfect feeling this effect would be i perfect living this effect
how to be perfect how to achieve this effect What is the ideal Why I’m not ideal
Chorus: sometimes i’m too cool sometimes I’m like a fool maybe i’m not that cool if i think so i’m a fool
how to forget this regrets how to live with no regrets why I’m thinking about limits maybe I have these limits
Vers: I’ll be forever forever and ever I’ll be forever nothing or ever
would be i perfect feeling this effect would be i perfect living this effect
how to be perfect how to achieve this effect What is the ideal Why I’m not ideal
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