Nelson Mandela International Day.

“Peace is not only the absence of wars; peace is about creating an environment where everyone can flourish, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender, class, caste, or any other social factor or position. Religion, ethnicity, language, social and cultural experience are important components of human civilization that enrich its diversity. Can we allow them to become a reason for the stratification of society or the manifestation of cruelty? If this happens, it undermines the foundations of our humanism.” Nelson Mandela.
International Nelson Mandela Day was established by the UN General Assembly in November 2009 and is celebrated annually on July 18, the birthday of one of the most famous fighters against the apartheid regime (racial discrimination) in South Africa. A new date in the calendar of international holidays has appeared in recognition of the contribution of the former President of Africa to the cause of peace and freedom.
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is the first black president of the Republic of South Africa. During the existence of apartheid, he was one of the most famous activists in the fight for human rights, for which he spent 26 years in prison. In 1990, the human rights activist was released from prison, and in 1993 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
A year later, in the spring of 1994, South Africa’s first general elections were held with full voting rights for all residents of the multinational country. According to their results, Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa – and the first black person to take this post.

The resolution of the UN General Assembly setting the date of the holiday (No. A / RES / 64/13), “recognizes the vital values of Nelson Mandela and his dedicated service to humanity in the field of conflict resolution, race relations, promotion and protection of human rights, in reconciliation, in ensuring gender equality, the rights of children and other vulnerable groups of the population, as well as improving the situation of the poorest and underdeveloped social groups ”. The document also emphasizes the contribution of the South African president to the establishment of world peace.
Every year on Nelson Mandela Day, various events are held at UN information centers and political institutions around the world. Debates and thematic readings are organized; screenings of the film “Unconquered”, dedicated to the South African president; ethnic music concerts are held; photographic and historical exhibitions open.
The UN also joins the appeal of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, addressed to every person in the world, to celebrate this Day, spend 67 minutes (one minute for each year of Mandela’s social activity) to help another person do something good on this day and important: to help the needy and destitute, to work out with the child, to care for the environment or to provide volunteer and charity help.