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LGBT activist beaten for picket in support of Chechen gays.

The Russian public has responded to the persecution and murder of gays and lesbians in the territory of the Chechen Republic. January 20 in the country began the campaign # saveLGBTinRussia. Pickets demanding to stop crimes against LGBT people, as well as to bring to justice all those involved in torture and murder were held in Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod and St. Petersburg. Georgia joined the campaign: in Batumi, they also came out in support of one of the most discriminated groups in Russia today.

“The reason for the campaign was the recent resumption of persecution, abduction, torture and murder of LGBT citizens in Chechnya.

This region of Russia, where, according to its leadership, LGBT people do not exist, is a vivid example of the genocide to which the silence of LGBT issues in Russia, the violation of human rights and impunity of crimes against LGBT people can lead ”- organizers of St. Petersburg pickets write from the group Alliance of heterosexuals and LGBT for equality.

According to public figures, in Nizhny Novgorod, unknown persons attacked an activist and tore up a poster. In other cities, fortunately, there were no incidents. The week of unified actions, during which any person can stand in a single picket or take a picture with a poster in support of LGBT people on the streets of their city and post photos with the hashtag #saveLGBTinRussia, started and will last until January 27th.

Photos and information provided by the “Alliance heterosexuals and LGBT for equality, together with regional LGBT initiatives.

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