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Meet&Eat for people with HIV from Eastern Europe and Central Asia.



The Hiv Vereniging organizes its first Meet&Eat for people with HIV from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In recent years, we have seen an increasing group of people with HIV from this region in the Netherlands and would like to offer them the right information and ensure mutual contact and support. A group of volunteers has joined forces and is organizing this meeting.

What and when? On Saturday 9 October from 13.00 to 16.00, the Hiv Vereniging will organize its first Meet&Eat for people with HIV from Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EE&CA region). During the Meet&Eat lunch is offered and people get the chance to meet each other in a safe environment. Information is provided in Polish, Russian and Romanian. The activity is free.

For and by people with HIV from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The Meet&Eat is organized by volunteers from Eastern Europe and Central Asia and is only open to people from that region. We do this because we want to offer a safe place with targeted information in their own language.

Sign In! What: Meet&Eat When: Saturday 9 October from 13.00 to 16.00 Where: Hiv Vereniging, Eerste Helmerstraat 17A-3 1054 CX, Amsterdam For whom: people from Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Are you interested? Then register via het Servicepunt (the Service Point). Can be reached by telephone on Mon, Tues and Thurs from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. on 020 – 689 25 77. You can also email, stating your name, dietary requirements, country of origin and the activity you wish to register for (note: In the months of July and August, het Servicepunt is closed on Tuesdays for holidays).

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