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StartWerk Vluchtelingen is the no.1 job center for refugee talent. We believe in an inclusive society! Finding a nice job will be a major stepping stone towards becoming part of The Netherlands. We work hard to make sure you make a good start in the Dutch labor market. Register with your CV, and we will have an online intake about your dreams and ambitions.

HBO about us. HBO is the organization that helped David France film “Welcome to Chechnya”. They also wrote an article about our organization, which can be read here.

Welcome to Chechnya. With searing urgency, “Welcome to Chechnya” shadows a group of activists who risk unimaginable peril to confront the ongoing anti-LGBTQ pogrom raging in the repressive and closed Russian republic.

Kosta Karakashyan. Director. Choreographer. Performer. Writer. Under his creative production studio Studio Karakashyan, recent works include directing music videos for artists Matt DeLuca, Acrillics, and Bettan, the documentary dance film WAITING FOR COLOR about the ongoing LGBTQ+ persecution in Chechnya

Page 1 Theatre – to produce, and present Queer theatrical works. They are particularly interested in supporting the development of Queer artists living in Southern Ontario, especially those in rural communities outside of Toronto.

RUSA LGBT. RUSA LGBT is a network for US-based, Russian-speaking LGBTQ individuals, their friends, supporters and loved ones.

Studios 1-2-3. Since 2011 we have been teaching seven days out of seven in three different rooms. Above our studio we also run a B&B.

Voices 4. An organization that helps LGBT people in various issues and areas of life.

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