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The First Annual LGBTQ+ King (Queen) of the Netherlands Contest among Russian-speakers


The First Annual LGBTQ+ King (Queen) of the Netherlands Contest among Russian-speakers 2023 (according to LGBT World Beside and rusLGBTIQ in the Netherlands)

This year we’ve decided to choose among Russian-speaking representatives of the LGBTQ+ community a person who has the qualities of a real monarch, and declare him/her the King (Queen) of LGBTQ+ Netherlands (according to LGBT World Beside and rusLGBTIQ in the Netherlands)!

All Russian-speaking representatives of the LGBTQ+ community in the Netherlands may participate in the competition.

To participate, you must:

– Send us at least two of your best photos in good quality (portrait and full-length). More photos may be sent;

– Tell the Russian-speaking LGBTQ+ community why you are worthy of the title of LGBTQ+ King (Queen) of the Netherlands (according to LGBT World Beside and rusLGBTIQ in the Netherlands). Tell us about your personality traits, aspirations, dreams, etc. – We need to recognize you as an interesting, vibrant, well-mannered, intelligent person, dedicated to your community and its traditions, and an example of empathy, kindness, and love;

– Write in your submission what three changes (additions) to LGBT World Beside and rusLGBTIQ in the Netherlands you would like to suggest.

A competent jury will evaluate the texts submitted according to several criteria:

– a description of the personal qualities that enable the participant(s) to qualify for the title;

– the relevance and importance of the suggestions for changing (in addition to) the work of the organizations LGBT World Beside and rusLGBTIQ in the Netherlands;

– the ability to express oneself succinctly and competently;

– a creative approach to writing;

– sincerity.

Results will be announced on April 24th.

The winner will receive a well-deserved Crown, confirming their royal status! (Coronation ceremony will take place a little bit later, the organizers will inform you additionally). He (she) will also get a free ticket to one of the cool festivals in celebration of the King’s Day in Amsterdam! Besides, we’ll be sure to tell about the new monarch on our website and on social networks – His (Her) Majesty must be known by ALL!

Attention! Everyone participating in the Contest should be ready to participate in various future projects of LGBTQ+ organizations LGBT World Beside and rusLGBTIQ in the Netherlands. The applicants for the Crown must understand that the King (Queen) is not just a title, it is also a set of certain representative functions. The winner for a year (until the next Contest) will become the face of two large organizations helping Russian-speaking refugees. Want to go down in history as the first King (Queen) of the LGBTQ+ community in the Netherlands (according to LGBT World Beside and rusLGBTIQ in the Netherlands)? Hurry up! Submissions for the Contest will only be accepted until April 20 at:

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